Category Archives: container gardening
Pathetic Potato Production
Hi, I’m back at the end of a rather allergenic weekend, perhaps with some alliteration for the win? It certainly wasn’t my potato growing for the win. Picture forthcoming later in the week, maybe on Wednesday, but suffice it to … Continue reading
Backyard garden update – full of pretty pictures
We all love photos, no? The best of the bunch is at the very bottom, by the way. (Alliteration for the win.) Here are my potato plants as of today. As you can see, they’ve gotten significantly taller than the … Continue reading
Update on The Great Potato Experiment
I thought at first that my Great Potato Experiment, aka growing potatoes in a garbage can and training them to grow up instead of out, would be a flop. It took what seemed like a long time to see any … Continue reading
I bought plants at the Cheney Mansion today. Did you?
Today at the Cheney Mansion Plant Sale, I bought a Melrose pepper plant, a cayenne pepper plant, a Tom Thumb tomato plant, Manzano tomatoes, creeping thyme, a Black Beauty eggplant, kale plants, and a strawberry plant. Because I have limited … Continue reading
Earth Boxes – Product review
You might recall in my post about the great potato experiment I mentioned steadying the garbage can with Earth Boxes. You might have wondered what Earth Boxes are as well, and as I recall, I did promise to tell you. … Continue reading