Remember this corn? It’s still available at the Forest Park Farmers Market (although not at the Oak Park Mid-week Market any longer), and according to the folks selling it, it should be around for another 6 weeks.
It’s still fantastic, if you were wondering. We had some Friday night with veggie burgers from the Oak Park Farmers Market. I thought about how I could keep some around into the winter, so I looked up instructions on freezing corn on the cob. Most sites recommend blanching it by boiling it for a few minutes, but because this corn is less starchy, I thought I’d ask. As it turns out, the guys at the Twin Garden Farms stand at the market recommended simply freezing it. Cooking it more than once will ruin the texture, they say.
You can do it the easy way, as I did, and cut it in half and put it on a flat surface to freeze before putting it in freezer bags.
I’m using a plate here, by the way, because my cookie sheet is fulfilling another purpose at the moment.
Or you can cut it off the cob and freeze it, which is – obviously – harder, but probably gives better results. I’d rather have it on the cob when eating it, so that’s what I’ve done. I’m excited to have corn after the season ends, by the way.
I really want to try to do this with some corn this year – I am a huge fan of fresh sweet corn and miss it during the winter!